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ABEN EO Roadmap To Policy Analysis Part II

ABEN EO Roadmap To Policy Analysis Part II

Per the New York Department of Financial Services, you cannot receive CE credit for any course previously used for your license renewal (based on the course approval number). 
Per the Connecticut Insurance Department, a course can be taken for CE one time in the current license period.  It may be taken again in a subsequent license period. 

Instructor Jim Keidel & Ted Kinney
NY- 3 CE (All Licenses*) NYCR-254165
CT- 3 CE (General) 111693

This course is designed to guide experienced professionals step by step through the process of reading policy language, applying a basic coverage analysis to look for possible gaps in coverage, and understanding advanced coverage issues. It will explain what to look for in terms of wording, punctuation, and formatting, including negative and positive implications of specific wording. In addition, the course will address E&O loss control issues and help the agency look at ways to obtain and retain business. Topics covered will include Insurance to Value, Named and Additional Insureds and Coordinating an Insurance Program.

How to Qualify for the E&O Loss Control Credit
Big I NY & CT members whose E&O coverage is written by Swiss Re/Westport Insurance Corp. or Allianz through IAAC or IAS can qualify for a premium reduction credit if they meet the attendance criteria.

How do I test my system?
To test your system please log into your "My ABEN Account" and click on the Launch Viewer button for the purchased seminar.

How do I access the course materials?
To download course materials, log into your "My ABEN Account" and click on the course Handouts button.

How do I access the live broadcast?
If you purchased a live webcast, on the day of the broadcast, plan to log in 30-60 minutes prior to the start time. To access the webcast, log in to your online "My ABEN Account".

For All Agency and Company Staff

Members: $84 per person
Non-Members: $120 per person 

Please note, you will register on the ABEN website with a separate ABEN login and password

NY Licensees Register Now (You will be leaving the Big I NY website)
NY Questions & Support  NY ABEN Support

CT Licensees Register Now (You will be leaving the Big I CT website)
CT Questions & Support  CT ABEN Support


Questions? Contact ABEN at or 877-602-9877

 *Excludes TLA License 
12/3/2024 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Online-at Your Desk

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